Wednesday, December 23, 2009

God Loves Lady Gaga

The Westboro Baptist Church, self-proclaimed Christians, have no Christian attributes. They have picketed funerals of both celebrities and private citizens, gone on television talk shows to discuss the "fag problem" in America, and host rallies wherein they give toddlers and children large signs proclaiming that their god wants nothing to do with any of this.

Their latest target, right at the end of what can be argued as Her Year, is Lady Gaga, a woman who seems very much in love with love. She loves it all: her fans, her music, her wardrobe, and the very world that she has meticulously crafted and invited any and all to be a part of. She is the anti-Garbo; she does not want to be alone. She wants to throw a party and we are all invited.

Her tolerance has not gone unnoticed. She now famously has gone on record as both someone who loves God, considers her songwriting to be a religious and carnal experience, and someone who does not shy away from sexuality or the idea that all love is equal.

Easily, she is fodder for the WBC who refer to her, amongst other things, as a whore and a contemptuous God-hater. Certainly few take the WBC seriously, but they get press, have a LOT of websites, and certainly one would think that they would secure the domain name of their latest cause.

They did not, for whatever reason, choose to.

This website is to ensure that any and all know that no true God can come from hate--man's construction. Whatever your affiliation, or music preference for that matter, let it be clear: if God's going love anyone, it's going to be someone who loves a lot back.


and thank you,

From The Westboro Baptist Church: "God Hates Lady Gaga"

From The Westboro Baptist Church
(dated Tuesday, December 22, 2009)



WBC to picket this sleazy God-hater at the Fox Theatre (527 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO) on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2010, from 6:30 - 7:30 PM

"Thou hadst a whore's forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed... Will He reserve His anger for ever? Will He keep it to the end? Behold, thou hast spoken and done evil things as thou couldest." Jer. 3:3-5.

"Art" and "fashion" are the euphemisms, the guise under which proud whore Lady Gaga teaches rebelltion against God (incidentally, her claim to the title of "Lady" is sound only if she tacks on "of the night," thereby alluding to another euphemism for what she is). As much as she'd like to pretend otherwise, there's nothing new or different about this particular hussy's pretentious prancing. Does the simple slut truly think that she can change God' standards by seducing a generation of rebels into joining her in a fist-raised, stiff-necked, hard-hearted rebellion against Him? Get real!

Even as she gives lip service to "liberating" her young fans, Lady Gaga brings them into slavery to their own corruption, teaching them to glory in their shame. She hates you! "For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness...While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption." 2 Pet. 2:18-19

You're Going to Hell.


"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. " John 8:7

"This is for God and the gays." Lady GaGa, accepting an MTV award